Friday, October 10, 2014

Work, work, work

Since the main reason for being in Hawaii at this time is for Joel to do some surveys, work had to be done!  Thursday and Friday were survey days, so our free-time activities were limited.  Each evening we went to the beach to get in the water, swim a bit, and just enjoy the weather.  Near sunset, the air temp dropped to about 80, and the water temp was in the mid 70s, so getting in and out of the water was like taking a cool bath in the summer.  Very nice.
On Thursday we found a "farmers market" in the lobby of a hotel on the beach, where we got fresh fruit and poke ahi (raw tuna marinated in soy sauce, onions, vinegar, etc.) for dinner in the condo.  Friday evening we ended up at Da Big Kahuna for a simple dinner, and then discovered that I must have not picked up my credit card when we left.  Of course, by Saturday, when I discovered that, the place was closed until noon.  I called Chase to have the card cancelled (not as easy as you might imagine), but since I could not remember my phone password, they had to delay the cancellation until they could do some further security checks.  I kept watching my account to make sure there were no additional charges, and none appeared, and finally, by Sunday morning they called me to let me know they had cancelled the card.  Meanwhile, we stopped at Da Big Kahuna a couple of times, but they did not have the card.  Oh well, no big deal.  We do have other cards and options.

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